Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is needed for to be vicotorius

After so many distractions through world I have came back to realize that the truth- not some supreme truth of philosophers or theologians but the the more practical truth, to guide me day to day, not only in the personal but all the battles which concern me (and my personal battles are irrelevantly tiny fraction of the battles which are in front of me as a human)- the truth was very evidently made clear to me, in my own my own mother dialect. And I firmly believe that same should be true about every race, every tribe.
At least hundred of commentrators are contributing in Indian news papers what should be the ideal strategy to deal with the current problems facing the nation, what would be the ideal course of actions which would lead country to the glory or help the nation emerge victorious against the seemingly perennial struggle against Pakistan or Kashmiri ethnically cleansed awam or residual Muslims of India who are threatening with another partition (here

it would be interesting to know whether these indian muslim for another partition would like to join Pakistan, or would create another country by some other name)- or what would help them to retain power by exploiting the rawest of all human emotions. But I would like those concerned at all with my Indian heritage (though my hypothesis is that truth is available to every one from all generations very easily), to listen to this dialogue between Vibheeshan and Rama as depicted by Tulsidas. Go to this link and click at Lanka kand (Vibheeshan Gita)

Enjoy the wonderful musical rendition and translation by wonderful Chunnilal Mishra.

Vibheeshan feels apprehensive about how Rama will face Ravana, Ravan is all powerful soveriegn with chariot, armour, weapons and so on, while Rama is barefoot, walking on the ground, without any protective measures. Rama tells Vibheeshan not to worry and tells him what is the chariot and means needed to conquer the world (please forgive my pointing out that Rama does not mention conquering the Ravana but start telling about what is needed to be victorious in any battle).

In short term it might seem that contrary to what is depicted is winnning but mark my word- what is depicted will be victorious in the long run.

It does not mean that there would be many disagreeing with me, I would like to talk to them

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