Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Amarnath bruhaha continues, meanwhile 2 millions are starving

Am I the only insane Indian. My blood boils when I hear the news like this one.
I would like to deny all of it, just like our mainstream media. IT is too shameful. But the there are pictures like this
THe great Indian neglect is causing the infant mortality rates plunge worldwide. We kill (if there is any other term for the collective and shameless neglect of the helpless infants to the point of death, you can use that) 2/3rd of world's babies along with China, but we kill more than 5 times that of China. The number is around 2 millions.
Meanwhile foaming Mullahs of Kashmir continue to protest against Amarnath land transfer to infidels , those in Jammu paralyze to save "Lord Shiva" or to end "Kashmiri imperialism". Meanwhile the great leadership of Gujjars (who fought and sacrificed lives of their more sentimental and gullible members to bring some petty government jobs to those among the community, which will be grabbed by those who could bribe or influence, it does not matter all those jobs will be insuffficient to help anyone in long run except the very leaders who are at forefront of the protest) are requesting Hinuds in Jammu to spare Muslim Gujjars. And I hear that protests have began in Kashmir against these protests in Jammu. Meanwhile Supreme court is saying even God can not save this country.
I feel some one could pay attention to these children. Only if we could spend the money we spend on separatist ass holes on these starving children, we could have not only saved these millions but might have generated some brilliant minds who would have been far more valuable than any land. History has told us that. Since we understand only the language of force, let me say that tIny island of England had the greatest of empire, and Japan humiliated Russia as well as China. Otherwise, today even Singapore fares much better than India.
I wish if there were our concerned citizens who would have come out with intensity of even less than 10 % of that which is seen over the most useless issues, against this mass child sacrifice over the altar of greed and insensitivity. Greed, insensitivty and cruelty are our real gods. We are struggling for Baba Amarnath in vain, that is just a show and way of release of our most primitve violence.

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