Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The stupidity of "Independeance Day"

Today is India's Independence day. Today is India's Independence day. From my childhood, I had been brainwashed to feel proud on this day and feel gratified we have something called "independence", and be grateful to those who brought it to me (though I never asked for it) and be ready to sacrifice myself to protect it (although I was always afraid of the last part).
Now as I grow old, I realize what a filthy lie this word is. What does it mean? The word means 'property of not being dependent on any one'? Can anyone or anything claim that? Is not everything on the earth is related and dependent on everything else- not only living beings, but even 'inanimate' things like wind, water, climate, weather, mountains-which do not know any boundary. An earthquake striking in far lands of Indonesia, causes destruction and devastation for us in India and beyond. That is the dance of nature, that is the nature's way of celebrating and advertising lack of any division in it. We feel bad because we feel we are not only independent, but it is our birthright (although we are kicked in butt by our police and leaders almost daily) and when we are killed like rats we feel offended.
Not even earth is totally independent, it is dependent on sun, moon and so many other planets to be held in its place. We ourselves are products of unfathomable properties of matter, how can we claim any independence?
And we claim a country (if there is any such thing) can be independent. Can it be, ever? Are there countries by the way? or are there only people, land, water, forest and animals. Are these boundaries not just concepts in the minds of stupid humans, just like famous teapot circling the earth- and even if almost all the humans will at the gunpoint would force me to respect what is in their mind-does it make it any more true than concept of North Koreans that their former president is the eternal ruler of North Korea.
And even among these tentative concepts, can we claim any independent country today? Even mighty ones like USA are dependent on the oil and hence they have to also ingest all the shit which comes from it-not to talk of armies of legal and illegal immigrants and allies like Saudis and Pakistan. Every country is dependent on others for its prosperity and security- otherwise that illusion of independence would be lost within days- either by internal decay or run down by barbarians. Now, can that 'independence' be true, if it can be lost, if it is needed to be guarded constantly, if its existence is dependent on bombing millions of other humans, if prosperity of its people is caused by untold miseries of other people or nature.
What is the values of those boundaries, which are totally artificial concepts in the minds of us humans? While I believe it would be very hard to do without any administrative unit, we would need one, and we would need land also to live-just like we need toilet paper to wipe out our shit, but to give it more importance that that, to make it almost supernatural and brainwash our children never to think and question beyond it, to invest great deal of emotion in it, and ready to kill and get killed for it without putting in perspective this animalistic brain of ours is nothing more than one of the so many human stupidities. A lot has been written against religion, but people have not touched this 'nationalism' or tribalism, because it is much more deep rooted in our psyche to make itself exposed, though much larger number of people have been killed, maimed, orphaned and scarred because of the stupid thing called "Proud to be an "asshole".
Nations and countries can be useful units for providing and preserving the nature, for generating happiness and for allowing a child to develop its maximum potential. But they are seldom that. They are something much larger than life, they become collective expression of our "prehuman brain" and bring in whole business of pride, loyalty, identification, hatred, violence, arrogance, separativeness, competititveness and means of oppression to others as well as to ourselves. What is so sacrosanct about territorrial integrity of nation, which is recognized by not even a single creature than humans? They become vehicle for our collective greed for land and resources. Those who are more greedy and stupid, dumb enough to devote their lives for it, control the territories within the 'nation' and work for its 'prosperity' by exploiting those who might not be so greedy or might not be so motivated.
Any human attached to it is still at the level of dogs and wolves. Any country instilling pride and arrogance for the territories, or for the 'people'- is still being a country of dogs and wolves. It does not mean anything even if it conquers the whole world. Not only are these primitives responsible for bringing vast amount of miseries to humans and nature; but they are most miserable and pathologically sad themselves.
People have often used this Darwinian argument to justify our greed for land. But we humans have not survived because of land. We have, because of our ability to adapt and learn, reason and think. We have survived because we could use our brains to make ourselves comfortable in any land, and were not attached fatally to any particular land or climate.

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