This question should not have arisen had we not seen the repeated violence and murders due to tension arising between neo-christians (backed by missionaries) and tribals who resist conversion (backed by Sangh Parivar), the latest in the series is
I know, I know all this talk about freedom of religion, conscience etc., in the modern society. I know that China and Islamic countries are criticized the world over for their suppression of religious freedom. But let us see them freshly and not treat freedom of converting others as some holy cow, not to be questioned. Let us see what does it imply.
To set the record straight, I do not care about the demographic trends. I do not care even if whole India become Muslim or Christians. Those who are gullible enough to fall in that trap, I would be very happy myself to escort them to the door of Church or Mosque, they have every right to do so. I can somewhat understand if some one is not able to throw off the shackles of the religious prison in which they were born- it is hard. But to all those gladly accepting new prisons in some foolish hope of paradise- I wish them good luck. I also do not care if tomorrow India becomes a Muslim or Christian country as many Hindu nationalists believe and loose their sleep over. If it turns out so, it is what probably Indians deserve, and even in that case we would not be any more pathetic than what we are today- with our secular democracy. I am also not against Christian missionaries' bribing of poor and destitute for conversion, as long as the poor are comfortable with it. It is morally appalling for both the parties, almost like prostitution of faith- but that is up to the two parties.
I also do not get angry over those who are searching for the liberation, salvation or heaven in the blind adherence to the mere conceptual, and condemning themselves and their children to the life of submission or slavery. If anything, I feel slight annoyance and pity for them.
TO be a complete human being- a total human- the realize the real potential of that seed- means seeing the life in its total nakedness-totally free of all illusions, free from concepts- is the real deal. Anyone living any less is living like animals; and anyone desirous of living so, would be able to live anyhow, in any situation. And any one who is Muslim, Christian or Hindu is light years away from that.
But it is the hypocrisy and cowardice of the Indian seculars, masquerading as religious tolerance of the state which troubles me.
Almost 99 % content of all religions is full of crap, fantasies, wishful thinking, abdicating responsibility, arrogant egoistic conceit. Those claiming to be in the party of God, following the insane claims of someone claiming to have gotten special favors from some heavenly feudal Lord, whose only demands are that we pray and obey him unquestioningly and in return that feudal Lord will reward us with heaven, otherwise will punish us in most cruel ways we can ever imagine in hell-and every second of the time he is spying over us, over our most intimate thoughts and acts-all this is so ridiculous that it is not worthy of even reasonable degree of intelligence. Anyone falling for that is not going after any transcedental reality (if there is one) but are indulging and worshiping their own thoughts, their own fantasies, their own little egos; they are not slaves to God but slaves to their own fear of hell and greed of heaven.
That people believe and act out of such faith is bad enough.
While we can not say anything to those who truly believe so-after all we can not and should not take away the freedom of masturbating humans to imagine that they are giving it to the hottest one, even if they are delusional enough to take it as reality. That is what I call the religious freedom, and no authority should have power to take it away. But things become really dangerous if they are allowed to go in the street, and start fighting with others over the superiority of their insanity over the insanities of others and start striving for the ordering of society according to their hallucinations.
Now what we would say about the beliefs, ways of life, feeling and an attitude which inculcates in their believers the confidence that theirs is the only way approved by God, and all others are sinners doomed to hell. And their superstitious arrogant unquestioned egoistic belief that they are right, give them power to act under the same feeling.
Just imagine, if I sincerely believe and express the opinion that XYZ is a thief, and if that is not proved by a court of law, I will be forced to apologize and repent; if I say that the members of a particular ethnic or religious groups are criminal I would rightly be condemned and might be punished too if I am some one who is worthy of getting attention of press or enough numbers of people.
Then how can I continue to be not only respected but given the privilege, when I believe and act out of the belief and incite others of the similar faith that followers of all other religions are infidels, worshiping the evil, fallen people, doomed to hell, their ancestors and cultures are corrupt and sinful worthy of our hate and there is nothing good about them except the ability to choose my way of living. Is not this degree of disrespect for others the utmost intolerance? Should any civilized society tolerate and give freedom to people operating with such beliefs and acting out it in everyday life, vigorously infecting others with their similar hateful ideologies. And is not the above mentioned attitude behind all those who are promoting conversions.
In the matters of unknown or to be more precise unknowable, where all the religious claims originate, an reasonable person would say that no human can be an authority. Any one who claims to know the will or dictate of God is an arrogant fool. In that conviction or belief it is not they are worshipping the mystery but they are worshipping their own egoistical little selves. God, and all theology is just a concept, and
While it will be unfair to take away that belief from the believer, it becomes really problematic, if the believer is so dead certain in his haluucinations that he or she goes to actively convince others of his beliefs- and is ready to sacrifice lives for that. To wrongly believe that some community is criminal is a very minor offence in comparison to the belief that the whole community and its ancestors. its culture, its heritage is corrupt, sinful, devilish, evil and is doomed to hell; and any effort to convert them to light, even if it involves killings or suicides will be rewarded with heavenly rewards. The later is pure insanity. And any society which allows this insanity is propagate, can afford to do so if it is investing many times more in educating its members in fields of reason and logic. Otherwise that society is doomed to the endless cycle of violence and strife.
And the whole basis of evangelising, conversion is that. You and your ancestors have lived in sin and evil. The only right way to reach God is my way. This is infinitely more grave than how we would chastise someone whom we are wrongly assuming to be a petty thief, it is uncivilized and inhuman.
As I see, we have enough of religion in our Godforsaken country. We should all take steps to move towards reason and enlightenment; instead of letting the armies of preachers of hate and bigotry invade us.
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