This question should not have arisen had we not seen the repeated violence and murders due to tension arising between neo-christians (backed by missionaries) and tribals who resist conversion (backed by Sangh Parivar), the latest in the series is
I know, I know all this talk about freedom of religion, conscience etc., in the modern society. I know that China and Islamic countries are criticized the world over for their suppression of religious freedom. But let us see them freshly and not treat freedom of converting others as some holy cow, not to be questioned. Let us see what does it imply.
To set the record straight, I do not care about the demographic trends. I do not care even if whole India become Muslim or Christians. Those who are gullible enough to fall in that trap, I would be very happy myself to escort them to the door of Church or Mosque, they have every right to do so. I can somewhat understand if some one is not able to throw off the shackles of the religious prison in which they were born- it is hard. But to all those gladly accepting new prisons in some foolish hope of paradise- I wish them good luck. I also do not care if tomorrow India becomes a Muslim or Christian country as many Hindu nationalists believe and loose their sleep over. If it turns out so, it is what probably Indians deserve, and even in that case we would not be any more pathetic than what we are today- with our secular democracy. I am also not against Christian missionaries' bribing of poor and destitute for conversion, as long as the poor are comfortable with it. It is morally appalling for both the parties, almost like prostitution of faith- but that is up to the two parties.
I also do not get angry over those who are searching for the liberation, salvation or heaven in the blind adherence to the mere conceptual, and condemning themselves and their children to the life of submission or slavery. If anything, I feel slight annoyance and pity for them.
TO be a complete human being- a total human- the realize the real potential of that seed- means seeing the life in its total nakedness-totally free of all illusions, free from concepts- is the real deal. Anyone living any less is living like animals; and anyone desirous of living so, would be able to live anyhow, in any situation. And any one who is Muslim, Christian or Hindu is light years away from that.
But it is the hypocrisy and cowardice of the Indian seculars, masquerading as religious tolerance of the state which troubles me.
Almost 99 % content of all religions is full of crap, fantasies, wishful thinking, abdicating responsibility, arrogant egoistic conceit. Those claiming to be in the party of God, following the insane claims of someone claiming to have gotten special favors from some heavenly feudal Lord, whose only demands are that we pray and obey him unquestioningly and in return that feudal Lord will reward us with heaven, otherwise will punish us in most cruel ways we can ever imagine in hell-and every second of the time he is spying over us, over our most intimate thoughts and acts-all this is so ridiculous that it is not worthy of even reasonable degree of intelligence. Anyone falling for that is not going after any transcedental reality (if there is one) but are indulging and worshiping their own thoughts, their own fantasies, their own little egos; they are not slaves to God but slaves to their own fear of hell and greed of heaven.
That people believe and act out of such faith is bad enough.
While we can not say anything to those who truly believe so-after all we can not and should not take away the freedom of masturbating humans to imagine that they are giving it to the hottest one, even if they are delusional enough to take it as reality. That is what I call the religious freedom, and no authority should have power to take it away. But things become really dangerous if they are allowed to go in the street, and start fighting with others over the superiority of their insanity over the insanities of others and start striving for the ordering of society according to their hallucinations.
Now what we would say about the beliefs, ways of life, feeling and an attitude which inculcates in their believers the confidence that theirs is the only way approved by God, and all others are sinners doomed to hell. And their superstitious arrogant unquestioned egoistic belief that they are right, give them power to act under the same feeling.
Just imagine, if I sincerely believe and express the opinion that XYZ is a thief, and if that is not proved by a court of law, I will be forced to apologize and repent; if I say that the members of a particular ethnic or religious groups are criminal I would rightly be condemned and might be punished too if I am some one who is worthy of getting attention of press or enough numbers of people.
Then how can I continue to be not only respected but given the privilege, when I believe and act out of the belief and incite others of the similar faith that followers of all other religions are infidels, worshiping the evil, fallen people, doomed to hell, their ancestors and cultures are corrupt and sinful worthy of our hate and there is nothing good about them except the ability to choose my way of living. Is not this degree of disrespect for others the utmost intolerance? Should any civilized society tolerate and give freedom to people operating with such beliefs and acting out it in everyday life, vigorously infecting others with their similar hateful ideologies. And is not the above mentioned attitude behind all those who are promoting conversions.
In the matters of unknown or to be more precise unknowable, where all the religious claims originate, an reasonable person would say that no human can be an authority. Any one who claims to know the will or dictate of God is an arrogant fool. In that conviction or belief it is not they are worshipping the mystery but they are worshipping their own egoistical little selves. God, and all theology is just a concept, and
While it will be unfair to take away that belief from the believer, it becomes really problematic, if the believer is so dead certain in his haluucinations that he or she goes to actively convince others of his beliefs- and is ready to sacrifice lives for that. To wrongly believe that some community is criminal is a very minor offence in comparison to the belief that the whole community and its ancestors. its culture, its heritage is corrupt, sinful, devilish, evil and is doomed to hell; and any effort to convert them to light, even if it involves killings or suicides will be rewarded with heavenly rewards. The later is pure insanity. And any society which allows this insanity is propagate, can afford to do so if it is investing many times more in educating its members in fields of reason and logic. Otherwise that society is doomed to the endless cycle of violence and strife.
And the whole basis of evangelising, conversion is that. You and your ancestors have lived in sin and evil. The only right way to reach God is my way. This is infinitely more grave than how we would chastise someone whom we are wrongly assuming to be a petty thief, it is uncivilized and inhuman.
As I see, we have enough of religion in our Godforsaken country. We should all take steps to move towards reason and enlightenment; instead of letting the armies of preachers of hate and bigotry invade us.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What is needed for to be vicotorius
After so many distractions through world I have came back to realize that the truth- not some supreme truth of philosophers or theologians but the the more practical truth, to guide me day to day, not only in the personal but all the battles which concern me (and my personal battles are irrelevantly tiny fraction of the battles which are in front of me as a human)- the truth was very evidently made clear to me, in my own my own mother dialect. And I firmly believe that same should be true about every race, every tribe.
At least hundred of commentrators are contributing in Indian news papers what should be the ideal strategy to deal with the current problems facing the nation, what would be the ideal course of actions which would lead country to the glory or help the nation emerge victorious against the seemingly perennial struggle against Pakistan or Kashmiri ethnically cleansed awam or residual Muslims of India who are threatening with another partition (here
it would be interesting to know whether these indian muslim for another partition would like to join Pakistan, or would create another country by some other name)- or what would help them to retain power by exploiting the rawest of all human emotions. But I would like those concerned at all with my Indian heritage (though my hypothesis is that truth is available to every one from all generations very easily), to listen to this dialogue between Vibheeshan and Rama as depicted by Tulsidas. Go to this link and click at Lanka kand (Vibheeshan Gita)
Enjoy the wonderful musical rendition and translation by wonderful Chunnilal Mishra.
Vibheeshan feels apprehensive about how Rama will face Ravana, Ravan is all powerful soveriegn with chariot, armour, weapons and so on, while Rama is barefoot, walking on the ground, without any protective measures. Rama tells Vibheeshan not to worry and tells him what is the chariot and means needed to conquer the world (please forgive my pointing out that Rama does not mention conquering the Ravana but start telling about what is needed to be victorious in any battle).
In short term it might seem that contrary to what is depicted is winnning but mark my word- what is depicted will be victorious in the long run.
It does not mean that there would be many disagreeing with me, I would like to talk to them
At least hundred of commentrators are contributing in Indian news papers what should be the ideal strategy to deal with the current problems facing the nation, what would be the ideal course of actions which would lead country to the glory or help the nation emerge victorious against the seemingly perennial struggle against Pakistan or Kashmiri ethnically cleansed awam or residual Muslims of India who are threatening with another partition (here
it would be interesting to know whether these indian muslim for another partition would like to join Pakistan, or would create another country by some other name)- or what would help them to retain power by exploiting the rawest of all human emotions. But I would like those concerned at all with my Indian heritage (though my hypothesis is that truth is available to every one from all generations very easily), to listen to this dialogue between Vibheeshan and Rama as depicted by Tulsidas. Go to this link and click at Lanka kand (Vibheeshan Gita)
Enjoy the wonderful musical rendition and translation by wonderful Chunnilal Mishra.
Vibheeshan feels apprehensive about how Rama will face Ravana, Ravan is all powerful soveriegn with chariot, armour, weapons and so on, while Rama is barefoot, walking on the ground, without any protective measures. Rama tells Vibheeshan not to worry and tells him what is the chariot and means needed to conquer the world (please forgive my pointing out that Rama does not mention conquering the Ravana but start telling about what is needed to be victorious in any battle).
In short term it might seem that contrary to what is depicted is winnning but mark my word- what is depicted will be victorious in the long run.
It does not mean that there would be many disagreeing with me, I would like to talk to them
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Fianlly there is some Indian with self respect- Bravo Vir Sanghavi!!
I feel immense happiness in reading the latest column of Vir Sanghavi "Think the Unthinkable", which is available at Hindustan Times website
Finally someone has enough self respect.
And while Sanghavi raises the stark contrast between Kashmiri separatism and others, and agree that there is something in Kashmiri separatism which makes it less likely to be extinguished, he does not say anything about Islam. I do not think any region where 90 % of population is Muslim has lived willingly with any state for long. No other insurgency was fuelled by religion except Khalistan. But Sikhism, is not a separative religion viewing the world in terms of believer and infidels, and does not have exclusivinist and ideologies promoting fragmentation in its core scriptures. It does not call for active conversion or annihilation of unbelievers in its scriptures, it does not have a room for establishing a state based on scriptural texts and so on. While Kashmiris have been quite successful in portraying their struggle as secular, and we ourselves have knwoingly refused to acknowledge it but right from the begining, from the purging of HIndus from the valley, to violent protests against current Land transfer to a shrine which is dear to HIndus all over the world- they have shown their true colours.
Using lot of data and facts Sanghavi brilliantly demonstrate how we treat Kashmiris like privileged lot (though they fully sympathesise with Pakistan), as compared to hundred of millions of poor Indians who take fully pride in being INdian, abide by constitution, has not turn to rebellion against state though they are living in most abject conditions. We are like some poor lover who is selling blood to woo a mistress who hates him and only dreams of dumping him.
And Kashmir alwyas keep us at the level of Pakistan, and we are not left with enough energy to deal with other problems like education and health care of citizens, improvement in internal security. Just other day the bill to make primary education compulsory was not passed because state and center expressed their inability to generate enough funds. While they can get billions to squander in Kashmir.
BRavo Vir SAnghavi.
I think it will start a sensible debate.
Moreover, 21 st century will be the century of 'self determination'. And if 90 % Kashmiris want to cling to Pakistan or freedom, no one would be able to stop it. If Indians will suppress it brutally(like China(, it will not only damage credibility but also damage the principles of democracy and human rights of which we profess to be the biggest custodian.
Finally someone has enough self respect.
And while Sanghavi raises the stark contrast between Kashmiri separatism and others, and agree that there is something in Kashmiri separatism which makes it less likely to be extinguished, he does not say anything about Islam. I do not think any region where 90 % of population is Muslim has lived willingly with any state for long. No other insurgency was fuelled by religion except Khalistan. But Sikhism, is not a separative religion viewing the world in terms of believer and infidels, and does not have exclusivinist and ideologies promoting fragmentation in its core scriptures. It does not call for active conversion or annihilation of unbelievers in its scriptures, it does not have a room for establishing a state based on scriptural texts and so on. While Kashmiris have been quite successful in portraying their struggle as secular, and we ourselves have knwoingly refused to acknowledge it but right from the begining, from the purging of HIndus from the valley, to violent protests against current Land transfer to a shrine which is dear to HIndus all over the world- they have shown their true colours.
Using lot of data and facts Sanghavi brilliantly demonstrate how we treat Kashmiris like privileged lot (though they fully sympathesise with Pakistan), as compared to hundred of millions of poor Indians who take fully pride in being INdian, abide by constitution, has not turn to rebellion against state though they are living in most abject conditions. We are like some poor lover who is selling blood to woo a mistress who hates him and only dreams of dumping him.
And Kashmir alwyas keep us at the level of Pakistan, and we are not left with enough energy to deal with other problems like education and health care of citizens, improvement in internal security. Just other day the bill to make primary education compulsory was not passed because state and center expressed their inability to generate enough funds. While they can get billions to squander in Kashmir.
BRavo Vir SAnghavi.
I think it will start a sensible debate.
Moreover, 21 st century will be the century of 'self determination'. And if 90 % Kashmiris want to cling to Pakistan or freedom, no one would be able to stop it. If Indians will suppress it brutally(like China(, it will not only damage credibility but also damage the principles of democracy and human rights of which we profess to be the biggest custodian.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The stupidity of "Independeance Day"
Today is India's Independence day. Today is India's Independence day. From my childhood, I had been brainwashed to feel proud on this day and feel gratified we have something called "independence", and be grateful to those who brought it to me (though I never asked for it) and be ready to sacrifice myself to protect it (although I was always afraid of the last part).
Now as I grow old, I realize what a filthy lie this word is. What does it mean? The word means 'property of not being dependent on any one'? Can anyone or anything claim that? Is not everything on the earth is related and dependent on everything else- not only living beings, but even 'inanimate' things like wind, water, climate, weather, mountains-which do not know any boundary. An earthquake striking in far lands of Indonesia, causes destruction and devastation for us in India and beyond. That is the dance of nature, that is the nature's way of celebrating and advertising lack of any division in it. We feel bad because we feel we are not only independent, but it is our birthright (although we are kicked in butt by our police and leaders almost daily) and when we are killed like rats we feel offended.
Not even earth is totally independent, it is dependent on sun, moon and so many other planets to be held in its place. We ourselves are products of unfathomable properties of matter, how can we claim any independence?
And we claim a country (if there is any such thing) can be independent. Can it be, ever? Are there countries by the way? or are there only people, land, water, forest and animals. Are these boundaries not just concepts in the minds of stupid humans, just like famous teapot circling the earth- and even if almost all the humans will at the gunpoint would force me to respect what is in their mind-does it make it any more true than concept of North Koreans that their former president is the eternal ruler of North Korea.
And even among these tentative concepts, can we claim any independent country today? Even mighty ones like USA are dependent on the oil and hence they have to also ingest all the shit which comes from it-not to talk of armies of legal and illegal immigrants and allies like Saudis and Pakistan. Every country is dependent on others for its prosperity and security- otherwise that illusion of independence would be lost within days- either by internal decay or run down by barbarians. Now, can that 'independence' be true, if it can be lost, if it is needed to be guarded constantly, if its existence is dependent on bombing millions of other humans, if prosperity of its people is caused by untold miseries of other people or nature.
What is the values of those boundaries, which are totally artificial concepts in the minds of us humans? While I believe it would be very hard to do without any administrative unit, we would need one, and we would need land also to live-just like we need toilet paper to wipe out our shit, but to give it more importance that that, to make it almost supernatural and brainwash our children never to think and question beyond it, to invest great deal of emotion in it, and ready to kill and get killed for it without putting in perspective this animalistic brain of ours is nothing more than one of the so many human stupidities. A lot has been written against religion, but people have not touched this 'nationalism' or tribalism, because it is much more deep rooted in our psyche to make itself exposed, though much larger number of people have been killed, maimed, orphaned and scarred because of the stupid thing called "Proud to be an "asshole".
Nations and countries can be useful units for providing and preserving the nature, for generating happiness and for allowing a child to develop its maximum potential. But they are seldom that. They are something much larger than life, they become collective expression of our "prehuman brain" and bring in whole business of pride, loyalty, identification, hatred, violence, arrogance, separativeness, competititveness and means of oppression to others as well as to ourselves. What is so sacrosanct about territorrial integrity of nation, which is recognized by not even a single creature than humans? They become vehicle for our collective greed for land and resources. Those who are more greedy and stupid, dumb enough to devote their lives for it, control the territories within the 'nation' and work for its 'prosperity' by exploiting those who might not be so greedy or might not be so motivated.
Any human attached to it is still at the level of dogs and wolves. Any country instilling pride and arrogance for the territories, or for the 'people'- is still being a country of dogs and wolves. It does not mean anything even if it conquers the whole world. Not only are these primitives responsible for bringing vast amount of miseries to humans and nature; but they are most miserable and pathologically sad themselves.
People have often used this Darwinian argument to justify our greed for land. But we humans have not survived because of land. We have, because of our ability to adapt and learn, reason and think. We have survived because we could use our brains to make ourselves comfortable in any land, and were not attached fatally to any particular land or climate.
Now as I grow old, I realize what a filthy lie this word is. What does it mean? The word means 'property of not being dependent on any one'? Can anyone or anything claim that? Is not everything on the earth is related and dependent on everything else- not only living beings, but even 'inanimate' things like wind, water, climate, weather, mountains-which do not know any boundary. An earthquake striking in far lands of Indonesia, causes destruction and devastation for us in India and beyond. That is the dance of nature, that is the nature's way of celebrating and advertising lack of any division in it. We feel bad because we feel we are not only independent, but it is our birthright (although we are kicked in butt by our police and leaders almost daily) and when we are killed like rats we feel offended.
Not even earth is totally independent, it is dependent on sun, moon and so many other planets to be held in its place. We ourselves are products of unfathomable properties of matter, how can we claim any independence?
And we claim a country (if there is any such thing) can be independent. Can it be, ever? Are there countries by the way? or are there only people, land, water, forest and animals. Are these boundaries not just concepts in the minds of stupid humans, just like famous teapot circling the earth- and even if almost all the humans will at the gunpoint would force me to respect what is in their mind-does it make it any more true than concept of North Koreans that their former president is the eternal ruler of North Korea.
And even among these tentative concepts, can we claim any independent country today? Even mighty ones like USA are dependent on the oil and hence they have to also ingest all the shit which comes from it-not to talk of armies of legal and illegal immigrants and allies like Saudis and Pakistan. Every country is dependent on others for its prosperity and security- otherwise that illusion of independence would be lost within days- either by internal decay or run down by barbarians. Now, can that 'independence' be true, if it can be lost, if it is needed to be guarded constantly, if its existence is dependent on bombing millions of other humans, if prosperity of its people is caused by untold miseries of other people or nature.
What is the values of those boundaries, which are totally artificial concepts in the minds of us humans? While I believe it would be very hard to do without any administrative unit, we would need one, and we would need land also to live-just like we need toilet paper to wipe out our shit, but to give it more importance that that, to make it almost supernatural and brainwash our children never to think and question beyond it, to invest great deal of emotion in it, and ready to kill and get killed for it without putting in perspective this animalistic brain of ours is nothing more than one of the so many human stupidities. A lot has been written against religion, but people have not touched this 'nationalism' or tribalism, because it is much more deep rooted in our psyche to make itself exposed, though much larger number of people have been killed, maimed, orphaned and scarred because of the stupid thing called "Proud to be an "asshole".
Nations and countries can be useful units for providing and preserving the nature, for generating happiness and for allowing a child to develop its maximum potential. But they are seldom that. They are something much larger than life, they become collective expression of our "prehuman brain" and bring in whole business of pride, loyalty, identification, hatred, violence, arrogance, separativeness, competititveness and means of oppression to others as well as to ourselves. What is so sacrosanct about territorrial integrity of nation, which is recognized by not even a single creature than humans? They become vehicle for our collective greed for land and resources. Those who are more greedy and stupid, dumb enough to devote their lives for it, control the territories within the 'nation' and work for its 'prosperity' by exploiting those who might not be so greedy or might not be so motivated.
Any human attached to it is still at the level of dogs and wolves. Any country instilling pride and arrogance for the territories, or for the 'people'- is still being a country of dogs and wolves. It does not mean anything even if it conquers the whole world. Not only are these primitives responsible for bringing vast amount of miseries to humans and nature; but they are most miserable and pathologically sad themselves.
People have often used this Darwinian argument to justify our greed for land. But we humans have not survived because of land. We have, because of our ability to adapt and learn, reason and think. We have survived because we could use our brains to make ourselves comfortable in any land, and were not attached fatally to any particular land or climate.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Amarnath bruhaha continues, meanwhile 2 millions are starving
Am I the only insane Indian. My blood boils when I hear the news like this one.
I would like to deny all of it, just like our mainstream media. IT is too shameful. But the there are pictures like this
THe great Indian neglect is causing the infant mortality rates plunge worldwide. We kill (if there is any other term for the collective and shameless neglect of the helpless infants to the point of death, you can use that) 2/3rd of world's babies along with China, but we kill more than 5 times that of China. The number is around 2 millions.
Meanwhile foaming Mullahs of Kashmir continue to protest against Amarnath land transfer to infidels , those in Jammu paralyze to save "Lord Shiva" or to end "Kashmiri imperialism". Meanwhile the great leadership of Gujjars (who fought and sacrificed lives of their more sentimental and gullible members to bring some petty government jobs to those among the community, which will be grabbed by those who could bribe or influence, it does not matter all those jobs will be insuffficient to help anyone in long run except the very leaders who are at forefront of the protest) are requesting Hinuds in Jammu to spare Muslim Gujjars. And I hear that protests have began in Kashmir against these protests in Jammu. Meanwhile Supreme court is saying even God can not save this country.
I feel some one could pay attention to these children. Only if we could spend the money we spend on separatist ass holes on these starving children, we could have not only saved these millions but might have generated some brilliant minds who would have been far more valuable than any land. History has told us that. Since we understand only the language of force, let me say that tIny island of England had the greatest of empire, and Japan humiliated Russia as well as China. Otherwise, today even Singapore fares much better than India.
I wish if there were our concerned citizens who would have come out with intensity of even less than 10 % of that which is seen over the most useless issues, against this mass child sacrifice over the altar of greed and insensitivity. Greed, insensitivty and cruelty are our real gods. We are struggling for Baba Amarnath in vain, that is just a show and way of release of our most primitve violence.
I would like to deny all of it, just like our mainstream media. IT is too shameful. But the there are pictures like this
THe great Indian neglect is causing the infant mortality rates plunge worldwide. We kill (if there is any other term for the collective and shameless neglect of the helpless infants to the point of death, you can use that) 2/3rd of world's babies along with China, but we kill more than 5 times that of China. The number is around 2 millions.
Meanwhile foaming Mullahs of Kashmir continue to protest against Amarnath land transfer to infidels , those in Jammu paralyze to save "Lord Shiva" or to end "Kashmiri imperialism". Meanwhile the great leadership of Gujjars (who fought and sacrificed lives of their more sentimental and gullible members to bring some petty government jobs to those among the community, which will be grabbed by those who could bribe or influence, it does not matter all those jobs will be insuffficient to help anyone in long run except the very leaders who are at forefront of the protest) are requesting Hinuds in Jammu to spare Muslim Gujjars. And I hear that protests have began in Kashmir against these protests in Jammu. Meanwhile Supreme court is saying even God can not save this country.
I feel some one could pay attention to these children. Only if we could spend the money we spend on separatist ass holes on these starving children, we could have not only saved these millions but might have generated some brilliant minds who would have been far more valuable than any land. History has told us that. Since we understand only the language of force, let me say that tIny island of England had the greatest of empire, and Japan humiliated Russia as well as China. Otherwise, today even Singapore fares much better than India.
I wish if there were our concerned citizens who would have come out with intensity of even less than 10 % of that which is seen over the most useless issues, against this mass child sacrifice over the altar of greed and insensitivity. Greed, insensitivty and cruelty are our real gods. We are struggling for Baba Amarnath in vain, that is just a show and way of release of our most primitve violence.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Let us kick out Kashmir
For for the sake of sanity please let me know why we are keeping it- is it because it offers us some strategic advantages, against Pakistan, and in the absence of that the rag tag army of Pakistan is going to run over us. OR is it just that we are still living in the medieval feudal mindset which evokes the responses of most territorial animals, like Duryodhana where we can wage the whole Mahabharat and would not give up land equal to proverbial "point of needle"? Is there any self respect left among us? We are trying to woo Kashmiris with immense wealth. Can any one justify that we are spending far more money on "these India hating as well secular democracy hating, foaming at mouth and going to street whenever Islam is even slightly rationally treated anywhere in the world, and are not ready to lease even 40 acres of land to the infidels, while they have successfully ethnically cleansed the non muslims from the valley, and even when Indian government is bribing them to all its capacity, still even the most educated ones among them, those getting professional education in medical colleges or engineering colleges across India wants either to go with Pakistan or to be free of us, and many of them wants to revert to seventh century way of living outlined in Koran" then those starving still being proud and loyal Indians living on our footpaths and our severely malnourished children.
Why we are paying billions to protect Kashmiris and forcing our military to do Police's jobs while in the same amount we can not only radically develop our outdated antiquated Police force and secure our cities, which Islamic Mujahideens have shown in July, 2008, that they can strike at their pleasure.
Let us face this. More than 90 % of us population of Kashmir is Muslim and this is the state which borders with Pakistan. Islam is a political religion and it would never reconcile in the country which is being ruled by infidels or secular constitution. For them Koran is the word of God and there can not be any compromise on that. While most of us might choose to delude with the government propaganda, the fact remains that separative tendencies are very strong in Islam and Kashmir being no exception, most of them are for freedom, and even those who are slightly Pro India, like Abdullas, they too want a special case of autonomous Kashmir.
Let us not fall for that farce of "Kashmiriyat" propagated by government and mainstream media. The fact is that valley is almost "ethnically cleansed", thousands have been murdered by terrorists and there have been gross abuses of human rights in the name of counter terrorism efforts.
Instead why not divide J&K in three divisions, and have referendum there. I am sure Jammu and Ladakh, would chose to be with India. Why not leave Kashmir, and let them live the way they want to live; and spend the same amount on millions of starving poor children of India, who wants to be educated, who wants to question everything-from religion to God, to society and create an intellectual force who can be an asset to not only India but the whole humanity.
I am sure there would be many reasons to oppose my view, but let us discuss whether they are valid or not instead of accepting what our mass hysteria tells us.
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