Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is not evangelising hatred?

The continued violence in Orissa and Karnataka between Hindus and Christians raises some important questions regarding the missionaries activities in India.
Is not all the evangelising, pursuading others to covert or inviting as Muslims say, based on hatred and intolerance of the religion whose adherents one is aiming to convert? Is not there underlying belief in evangelising religions that the prevalent religion are cult of devil worshipper at the worst or ignorant damned to hell at the best. Although missionaries of charity will proclaim all the religions lead to God, or truth, a real conviction would not put full stop to all the conversions. Can we tolerate this being practiced openly and still take action against exploding breed of reactionary Hindu fundamentalists.
If at all this should be the basis of prohibiting conversions and not the facade of "conversion by force or bribe" to prevent religious disharmony. If at all religious conversions should be banned because all religions are equally false or equally true- though some may have more troublesome practices or ideologies which should be rooted out mercilessly irrespective of which ever religion they belong to. An example of such would be abolition of sati.

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