Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Now what to say about this idiocy

There is huge headline on the website of Indian express today regarding apology by jaya Bachhan and regret by Amitabh Bachhan and BJP joining Raj Thakarey for slamming Jaya. Raj Thakrey has banned Jaya and Amitabh's movies in Maharashtra. I wonder how much the apology is due to genuine change of heart or it is just cowering to intimidation or economic realities. Yesterday Bal Thakarey was after Shahrukh for calling himself Dilliwala. When you bcome optimistic about the future seeing these divisive wolves aging, you find that there are new pups who have tasted blood are becoming alpha males and taking charge of the packs.
This is such a ridiculous issue, and yet these are headlines in the our andher desh and its andher nagaris. People dying and suffering in flood, children and grandparents of the country are washed away, surviving on meagre food to just hold on, crime, terrorism- no just this.
I have no sides in this studpidity. Both sides as well as those who have made it headlines and who support them are plainly stupid period.
By the way one suggestion to Raj Thakarey, Bal Thakrey and BJP: Why not ask Film industry to leave Bombay as it makes majority of films in HIndi. Why not chase all multinationals as they conduct business in English. WHy not shut down university and colleges as they teach only in ENglish. Why not shutdown all the research institutes. Why not shutdown hospitals too, as they write prescription in English, most medicines are labeled in English, and even the term hospital and doctor are English. Why not shut down airports and railway stations too, as most of the operations, and even the names of these devices are in English. Why not throw away every computer in Arabian sea as most of the operations they conduct are in English.
Would someone tell these idiots that all the languages are imperfect and workable tools and nothing more than that, and they need constant evolution through interaction, otherwise they die. It will be great if they expel out every word of other languages from Marathi, and then they will find out how viable it will be.
And may I ask Jaya ji, why someone should always speak one's mother tongue? Really, even if we are discussing nuclear physics, then too, or probably Jaya ji would never come across some other Hindi speaking having tastes in sciences or modern theories of arts and literature.
Oops! I again fell in the trap of these mindless exploiters and their mechanical followers.
Truth is every language has its own imperfections and beauty. There are certain things which are unique to each language, they can never be translated and if they are, they lost their contexts completely. Just try reading the subtitles of a film, where you know both the language of the film as well as language of the subtitles, and you will realize the fun of it.
Learning and speaking other languages enriches a person, and through the person, other languages too. After all languages are for us and not the other way round.

PS: As the latest Amitabh Bachhan ji claims that Raj is his friend. Where is the angry young man? hint: try looking for self centered, greedy, cowardly old man.

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