Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Evangelising: Do we need more religion

Missionary activities by Christian groups and counter missionary activities by Hindutva has fueling the violence in Orissa and Karnataka. In many ways these episodes of lawlessness are reveals the failure of governance more than the anonymous terrorist attacks. There are various reasons cited by Missionaries for conversion, prominent of which is escaping the caste system and Hindus proclaim it to be bribery or by force. The ever existing faultlines in the society which constituted bottom strata and were equally powerless, now sensing power with the empowerment of traditionally "backwards" now assume different identities and clashes for grabbing of the resources. We have abolished caste system officially, but alas, there is no legislation to abolish, hatred rooted in the perception of other.
And we have allowed religion to occupy the space vacated by castes, and it has become major vehicle of fragmentation and hatred.
We might have asked, do we need more of the religion? Evangelical zeal definitely means bringing more religion in public area- the claim of superiority of one way over the other. The resurrection of native tribalism- the poison of nationalism and religion remains the only glue to unify society being torn apart by economic inequality and pursuit of power.
It would have been great if those walking out of caste system, would have not walked into another mental and intellectual slavery. That might have redeemed us. But that need education, that need some basic minimum security in the society, that needs trust in impartial law or constitution rather than in muscle power of one's own kind. And that needs self governance- which is something alien to us, who were slaves for centuries at the same time keeping our own slaves in the society.

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