Wednesday, December 24, 2008

This is more terrifying than any terrorist attack or Pakistan

I did not write any thing in response to Mumbai terror attack. Tragic as they were, there was something really comic about those attacks and the response to them. I will elaborate about them in later columns. Let the whole comedy play itself, though it is dark or black humour as one would call it.
But the following incident about lynching by people led by a politician in UP reveals something about us, which really threatens us as a civilization. And I can say that this incident is not an aberration, but these incidents are much more common and there would be many more if people are not paying up to these antisocial criminals. More than such incidents themselves, real threat comes from those elements in our society which perpetrate such incidents, which tolerates such incidents, those who take advantage of incidents, those who ensures that such acts can be committed with impunity, those who colludes with them and the mob which supports these incidents.
Why this is real threat. Because it happens in almost every area, every state, almost every village. This lynching mob. And they are in power in democracy. or worse this is the only way to get power. Mao said power flows through the barrel of gun, here it flows through the stones of the mob. And this mob is to be respected, worshipped if one has to get power, to win an election. How can they be wrong? How dare anyone chastise them? Even if leader points out to them that they are lynching, he will loose election if lucky or lynched with family if unlucky. There are these criminal elements, whose place should be a psychiatric treatment in jails; but they are out acting as leaders. And those sophisticated leaders who would not openly incite mob, who are not like Thakre brothers, have their agents who would do this jobs. And even if one may succeed in putting these leaders in jail, what will this unthinking, following mob would do? Is there anyway to reform it? Can it be reformed by force? Because even if this mob refrains from doing something illegally, is not these mindless, dimwits, with no sense of moral conscience, with no sense of empathy, would create disaster in whatever they are doing?
And this my friends is the biggest danger.
And most of the issues which arose during and after Mumbai attack, whether comical response to the ongoing attacks, or the preparation for such attack after being repeatedly warned by terrorists themselves as well as intelligence agencies (even in absence of such warning, any numbnut would have guessed seeing the attacks occurred in past months), the coverage by television channels, the following warmongering or rumours- all this is because the only mind we have is mob mind. And so do our neighbours.
Freeing this mob mentality requires education- not what the middle class means by education which is merely that which is leading to job and prosperity (and now we can have little sex education thrown in it), but learning about one's own structure by oneself (because no other can teach it) because what we all are, one is and in that learning lies the liberation from mob mentality. This would require enormous patience and most of our GDP. But when any investment in education is measured only in terms of income it will generate, who wants to 'learn about oneself' or 'any such metaphysical crap'. Should not such person go to monastry, they would ask.

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